This is a new feature with version 2.4

To export as comma-separated-values (CSV) open the 3-dots-menu () in any calendar view and select print/export, then select CSV.

Exporting as CSV is currently possible as the whole calendar only. 

The only options are the calendar to export and the encoding (UTF-16 for MS Excel or UTF-8 for anything else).

Currently exported fields are:

  • title
  • start
  • end
  • duration in minutes
  • start as seconds since midnight, January 1, 1970, UTC
  • end as seconds since midnight, January 1, 1970, UTC
  • start weekday (MON-SUN)
  • description
  • location
  • timezone
  • allday (0/1)
  • is recurring (0/1)
  • rrule

If you need any other fields, please contact us.

How to open CSV file with Google Sheets

Google Sheets does not offer to directly open a CSV file from 3rd party apps, you need to save first.