Events are stored in your device timezone (unless a different timezone is manually set). The timezone is usually not shown when event timezone and device timezone are the same.

In timezone settings you currently find the following options:

  • Device timezone - shows the current device timezone, and links to Android date/time options for configuration
  • Home timezone - this is for the respective display option and for new events
  • Display event times in
    • Device timezone: (the current timezone where you are), this is the default and how Android notifications are triggered
    • Event timezone: shows all event times as if you are in the timezone of the event
    • Home timezone: shows all event times in your configured home timezone (optionally exclude events in the device timezone or limit to events in your home timezone)
  • Mark non-local events - shows a world icon in front of event times from timezones other than the local one

There is also an extra article with more information about timezones.